Freedom to choose subjects & profession of one’s own interest

Freedom to choose subjects & profession of one’s own interest

So, it’s going to be my very first blog post? and I don’t know what it would look like. All that I know is, everything that I’m going to write is based on my personal experience.

Well, interests cannot be imposed. You can force a person to eat or wear something. You can even force a person to study particular subjects, but you cannot force him to embrace them as his choice. Getting a degree is temporary, and one can manage to listen to others and pick the subjects that don’t interest him, but doing a job in that disliking environment is forever and, it actually squeezes one’s patience out. Students, nowadays, are expected to follow and obey, as it used to be in past, whatever is said to them by elders regardless of the child’s interests. Such people need to understand the fact that after 5 years, that student is going to grind himself for his entire life so, only he should be given a freedom to pick his favorite subjects.

In our society, it’s considered a shame if one’s child doesn’t opt for medical or engineering subjects. He’s looked with disgust and reproach. Parents try to inculcate in their children from the very beginning to become either “doctors” or “engineers” or else, he won’t be accepted and welcomed in the society the same way as that of doctors and engineers. This premature inculcation hinders the child’s ability to develop and discover his interests and passions. He’s forcefully asked to study science just because science is considered to be a very “divine” field.

Our elders lack the perspective that every subject and ultimately, every profession, is equally respected, valuable and profitable. It all depends on the amount of handwork you commit to put in. If you aim to be diligent even in the world of “art” you’re going to make more than physicians and engineers. You’re going to create and paint things that will earn you billions and trillions. At the same time, if you step into the field that doesn’t interest you at all, you’re never going to succeed in it – no matter if its medical. You’ll always have a sense of reluctance and annoyance towards it.

If one scores good grades, he’s forcefully asked to opt for Medical Entrance test no matter if he’s interested in being an artist or an entrepreneur. Scoring high doesn’t earns one a ticket to “medical” or “engineering”. There’s a lot more other than these two fields. Success comes when you enjoy doing your work. You claim greatness when you have in-built love and passion for a particular field o of interest. Pick the subjects you’ll enjoy studying even at 2am when the entire neighborhood is asleep. Opt for the profession you’ll love working for even when it gets challenging.

Every profession and every subject has a WIDE scope! No profession is second to other. If your parents are easy-to-go, that’s great! I would suggest discover your passions first, pick your subjects accordingly, market your idea to your parents, buy a YES from them and pursue your ambitions. DON’T pay heed to what society / relatives / friends will say. Begin with the commitment to put efforts and prove everyone that you’re content, glad and successful with your decision. Never take your passions and interests for granted. Its the fire inside you that drives you to greatness and takes you to heights.

If you’ve got a real fire inside you for a particular thing, it will never let you settle for something else. You will always find and make ways to bring your dreams and passions to life.


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