Future Leader

Seeking Entrepreneurial Opportunities

About Cheryll

I’m a self-motivated, ardent, and dedicated young woman having a positive outlook on life and the opportunities it offers. Right now, I’m working as the Nonprofit Manager at Joshua Wave, Inc.

My Education

I am currently pursuing my passion for studying Business with a specialization in Operations Management at Forman Christian College University. 

My Aim

I’m a young professional woman who loves to volunteer for good causes and aims to empower young women to pursue their interests in every field of life. I understand and appreciate the primary role of women, but I also encourage and empower them to lean in and take charge. I’m a supporter of providing equal social, political, professional, and economic opportunities to women everywhere. I strongly believe that we can make this world a better place to live if we step out of our comfort zone and extend a helping hand to others.

My Passion

I’ve been passionate about learning new things and new skills since I stepped into my teenage. In 2018, driven by the fire and passion for learning, I found an opportunity to volunteer for a growing nonprofit, The Joshua Wave. The organization equipped me with and added several competencies to my skills portfolio. This opportunity also helped me discover my passion for helping humans. I love to write and that’s what I’m currently doing. I believe in imparting a good understanding and mindset to people largely through poetry and, sometimes, blogging. I love to help businesses with my innate creative writing, people & operations management, and social media skills.

A short message: If you want to reach the pinnacle, try being down to the earth. Embrace humility, for it waters the blossoms of love. 

Follow me on LinkedIn OR drop me a line via the contact form on the website. I’d love to hear from you!