
Proverbs 3:7

Let’s learn about the fear of the Lord… Be not wise in thine own eyes: fearthe LORD, and depart from evil. Being wise in our own eyes means relying on our own wisdom and understanding which is humanly. That being said, we refuse to trust in God and His wisdom. It’s necessary to know…
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DIY: Skin Brightening And Nourishing Face Mask

A lot of people, in the summertime, complain about having dull, dry, and dehydrated skin which means that the skin hasn’t been fed with the needed nourishment lately. Our skin requires adequate levels of both hydration and nutrients to regenerate the surface cells and restore and strengthen the natural protective barrier of lipids to lock…
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DIY: Skin Brightening and Moisturizing Scrub

I’m a super huge fan of Do-It-Yourself skin care recipes and products. This helps you better understand your skin needs and control what you put onto your skin. It also costs you A LOT less than branded skincare products you buy from the market. If one formula doesn’t work for you, you can look for…
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Proverbs 2:6

Let’ understand how we can receive the wisdom of God. For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth [cometh] knowledge and understanding. Here, the Scripture straightforwardly reveals the source of all wisdom that is, God the Father. No tuition and no skill-building classes can actually make us wise. It’s given only by God…
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Emotional Intelligence & Leadership

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence. – Robert K. Cooper, PhD In the light of the above-mentioned statement, emotional intelligence is simply defined as an art of making emotions work for you, instead…
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Managing Organizational Change During Coronavirus Pandemic: A Guide for Managers.

Covid-19, a communicable disease caused by Coronavirus, has rapidly become a societal and economic disaster within a short span of time – a period of only 3 months. This unprecedented disease is not only rocking the stock market but has also drastically changed our daily routines. Due to the closure of schools and daycare centers,…
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Proverbs 1:28 – Wisdom Speaks

Here the wisdom speaks: When they cry for help, I will not answer.Though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me. These are the words of the Wisdom of God (Jesus). He says that when there’s time to listen to and learn His Word, some people don’t. However, when they get trapped…
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3 Reasons Teenagers Fail to Manage Time.

unsplash-logoEliott Reyna Teenagers are vulnerable! Teenage is considered to be the most reckless phase of a man’s life, however it’s the same phase that can help a man grow into what he aims to be. Unfortunately, this is not possible without effective time management. Several reasons contribute to the mismanagement of time for teens. Long…
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Enthusiast: My Journey from Volunteer to Executive

I call myself an Enthusiast! Life has always been fair to me. That being said, I’ve always been content for what I have and what I don’t. Growing up in a conservative society which lacks innovation, we are familiar with just three professions: engineering, medical and teaching. Engineering, however, was said to be suitable for…
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Commitment to Self-Improvement

I once made this commitment, but fell short. I decided to put efforts one more time. Now, I’ve overcome my unproductive habits that rather than mere dreaming, I work instead. I was born to be unique, but I didn’t know where my passions exactly lie. Glad to discover!? — Cheryll Patras (@PatrasCheryll) February 4,…
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