Category: Personal Development

3 Reasons Teenagers Fail to Manage Time.

unsplash-logoEliott Reyna Teenagers are vulnerable! Teenage is considered to be the most reckless phase of a man’s life, however it’s the same phase that can help a man grow into what he aims to be. Unfortunately, this is not possible without effective time management. Several reasons contribute to the mismanagement of time for teens. Long…
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Enthusiast: My Journey from Volunteer to Executive

I call myself an Enthusiast! Life has always been fair to me. That being said, I’ve always been content for what I have and what I don’t. Growing up in a conservative society which lacks innovation, we are familiar with just three professions: engineering, medical and teaching. Engineering, however, was said to be suitable for…
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Commitment to Self-Improvement

I once made this commitment, but fell short. I decided to put efforts one more time. Now, I’ve overcome my unproductive habits that rather than mere dreaming, I work instead. I was born to be unique, but I didn’t know where my passions exactly lie. Glad to discover!? — Cheryll Patras (@PatrasCheryll) February 4,…
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No excuses!

Dive in! No excuses?#goals #Hardwork #hustle #Rules #SuccessFactors #Passion — Cheryll Patras (@PatrasCheryll) February 4, 2019

Blot Out Negativity…

Surround yourself with people who constantly encourage you to level up.#ENCOURAGEMENT #PositiveVibes #optimistic #likeminded #goodfriends — Cheryll Patras (@PatrasCheryll) February 5, 2019

How To Discover Your Passion?

Discovering your passion becomes easy if you pay heed to your inner self and voice. Before we step into 2019, I would like to share with each one of you about “how” you can discover your passion in life. In case you think that I’ve been working towards my passion for years and years, I’m…
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How to make your passion work? See the ingredients of this recipe

This post is for all those who carry intense passion in them but are always worried how will that passion bear fruit? You might be aspiring for your passion to open doors for you so that you can utilize it and make the most of it. You might be a 16-year old who’s passionate about…
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Freedom to choose subjects & profession of one’s own interest

So, it’s going to be my very first blog post? and I don’t know what it would look like. All that I know is, everything that I’m going to write is based on my personal experience. Well, interests cannot be imposed. You can force a person to eat or wear something. You can even force…
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