How to make your passion work? See the ingredients of this recipe

How to make your passion work? See the ingredients of this recipe

This post is for all those who carry intense passion in them but are always worried how will that passion bear fruit? You might be aspiring for your passion to open doors for you so that you can utilize it and make the most of it. You might be a 16-year old who’s passionate about Web Designing or Entrepreneurship, but you are worried about how you can make your way to chase your passion in this fiercely competitive world. Look no further, this article has got you. Let me define passion first.

Passion is defined as,

A strong desire to achieve or do something that never lets you settle for less and always keeps you in state of motion to get on the top of the ladder.

If you’re passionate, you’ll endlessly look for ways to achieve that one particular thing in your life. Even in that period of hunting, you’ll not feel weary which ultimately, leads you to its possession.

According to my personal experience, making your passion work is a sort of a recipe, and it has two ingredients. Yes, I know crafting your passion and making it bear fruit is not that easier, but with these ingredients you’ll be able to train your mind to make it work. Brain is the most powerful tool a human has. You won’t be able to use your skills or knowledge if your brain is not trained in that direction. Below are the two ingredients:


Faith is to see the unseen. Faith is to believe the non-existent. Faith is to hear the unheard. Faith is to feel the untouchable. Faith is the strongest of all the driving factors. If you have got faith inside yourself, nothing in this world can defeat you. You have to believe the non-existing things to make them come to existence. You need to have faith in the One who created this world out of nothing. That same divine-being will make your passion work and reward you. Other than that, you have to have faith in yourself that the efforts you’re exerting today will reward you in the end. If you lack faith even in one of them, you’ll never be able to craft your passion. Faith is what drives you to the end. When your efforts wear out, faith is still there to help you make another mile. Develop your connection with your God, build your faith and pursue your passion. Start from the scratch, keep the faith in Him and your efforts, and you’ll succeed. I GUARANTEE! If you don’t have faith, you’ll lose sight of your goals (destiny) which means you’ll end up in the wrong direction. Faith keeps you focused.


You might be thinking right now that diligence means hard work and that it’s the same thing many other articles talk about. But NO! Diligence is the combination of PERSISTENCE AND HARD WORK. Yes, it’s not that easy, but chasing a passion is a whole lot of fun. If you’ll stop reading this article because I just mentioned PERSISTENCE AND HARD WORK then, probably you’ll end up doing nothing in your life because everything in this world requires hard work and persistence. And, if it’s the requirement of your PASSION then, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Follow me: FAITH is the driving force that drives you to pursue your passion, and make it work through HARD WORK AND PERSISTENCE. Did you notice how all these elements interlink? This is how it works. After faith, you need to work hard but not just for a limited period of time rather persistently. Diligence is the last ingredient that you have to add in this recipe and wait for it to give you the final product.

We are blessed to have been born in the internet age. Everything is found through online searches. If you need a job, you go to Google. If you need to develop a certain skill, Google’s got you. If you got to prepare for your test, Google has the education material. In this era, all we need to have is a strong faith that leads us to exert efforts persistently toward our passions. If you don’t practice any of these ingredients, you’ll have a hard time getting results – your dream job, favorite skill, required knowledge, online business, etc.

You must be wondering where should you start from. I would suggest you to start with anything you have at hand right now. If you can go out in real world to change your practical life, go out now! If you’re not allowed to go out because you’re too young to do so, start with any resource you have at hand. That could be your friend, teacher, relative, books, online articles, tutorials, and many more. Just start off and everything else will make its way. Everything else will fall into its place once you take your first step. Take a leap of faith and get started persistently. This shows the fire that is burning in you.

These ingredients are for all those who carry a fire inside them. No matter what that fire is for, it will work for you. It can be your passion for building a business, doing freelance work, developing a particular skill, gaining knowledge on a particular topic, helping others, losing weight, fitness, learning cooking, etc. Passions always pay off, but they do require some input to get the results.


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